The body only understands emotion. It’s a feeling-response mechanism. It doesn’t think. It feels. It feels for the information we give it in the shape of emotion and it acts on that emotion. This may be both a simple and complex concept to embrace.
We have all heard how “thoughts are things” and “thoughts create.” Yes, this is true, partially, but it is more so that the thoughts we think provoke an emotion or feeling within us and it’s the combination of the thought plus emotion that creates. It isn’t that we feel an emotion first and then produce the thought. We think the thought first and feel something as a result.
Thought alone does not create. In fact, there can be no thought in humans without a resulting emotion. Emotion is the powerful engine required in the process of creating but so often, in our ignorance, we misuse emotion and do not understand thought.
This will explain why we may think we want something and it doesn’t materialize because deep down we harbor contrary feelings. Without a feeling of joy or love or other positive emotion, that thing we want will not manifest. In fact, the opposite will manifest as it corresponds to the contrary negative emotion we truly feel.
When we allow random thoughts to take over our thinking mind—which is a subconscious programming and understandably for most of us a “normal” way of being—we are either in the past which is old and done or the future which has not yet occurred.
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Past memories (which aren’t truly thoughts but simply old past events dredged up) and thoughts of the unknown future all too frequently elicit destructive negative emotion within us. Feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness, regret, frustration, overwhelm and more engulf our beings before we even realize it.
“Much human suffering stems from destructive emotions, as hatred breeds violence or craving fuels addiction. One of our most basic responsibilities as caring people is to alleviate the human costs of such out-of-control emotions.” —Daniel Goleman in Destructive Emotions: How Can We Overcome Them?
Destructive emotions wreak havoc not just on our ability to create the lives we want in general but on our ability to heal our physical bodies or keep them functioning in a state of balance.
“What you feel emotionally becomes how you feel physically.” —Don Colbert in Deadly Emotions: Understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
“You can do much to improve your physical health by addressing first and foremost your emotional health.” —Daniel Goleman in Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama
For example:
“A person with a scarcity mindset selects negative thoughts and adopts a victim mentality. The strong emotions they experience on a daily basis creates stress in the body with the range of emotions shifting from anxiety, fear, worry, anger and resentment. Their negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs create illnesses in the body leading to general poor health.” — Dr. Jyoshi, Dr. Piyush and Dr. Ritu Choudhary in Wings of Wisdom: Realize Your Inner Strength.
PHYTO5 provides quantum energetic skincare that can actually assist you to make a shift in emotion toward greater balance. All the high grade essential oil rich five element lines are formulated in such a proprietary way that they actually register very high on the vibrational scale. These products assist us to begin to access the deepest core of the mind-body system. As Deepak Chopra says, this is “the junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect.”
We need to get into the habit of actively and consciously choosing our present moment thoughts because it is in the Now that we create our future. We cannot create our future in the past or in the future!
Consciously choosing our thoughts will help us to believe new things and thereby shift our subconscious programming to a new more desired programming, if you will.
Once we have more dominion over our thoughts and consequent emotions we begin to connect to the quantum field of all possibility where all of creation is connected as ONE.
Another way to describe this is as we develop a state of more heightened aware consciousness we spontaneously, naturally and electromagnetically, connect our now higher mind to the feeling heart. And it is the heart that pulls from the quantum field all that is a match for our emotion to bring it in to our reality.
If we want to know where we stand as we create our vitality on all levels all we have to do is look to our current state of emotionality.
If it’s negative, we have a shift we need to make and it can be as simple as shifting the quality of our emotion up even if just by one notch or by as little as three degrees, so to speak.
The shift need only be slight to make a difference and create a new positive momentum. And since we usually can’t get there without some sort of uplifting thought this will involve a slightly new thought process in the moment.
Lining up the sequence of:
our higher more conscious aware mind
in turn connecting to the ever feeling heart,
whether we allow PHYTO5 quantum energetic products to facilitate this sequence or we go about it on our own, is the key to pulling from the quantum field all that we desire. These desires include everything from perfect health to the accomplishment of an enormous project to bringing new enriching relationships into our lives—whatever we can conceive of.
There is nothing that can prevent what we desire when we consciously line up this sequence of chosen thought to feeling heart. But we must first get into the habit of choosing our thoughts rather than allowing the ego mind to run rampant with random past memories or negatively conjured imaginations of the future! Pause. Take a breath. Inhale a drop of Phyt’Ether Serum and feel more emotionally balanced and empowered to consciously direct your thought.
Jyoshi, Dr. Piyush and Choudhary, Dr. Ritu. Wings of Wisdom: Realize Your Inner Strength. Booksclinic Publishing. India. 2021.
Goleman, Daniel. Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Bantam Books. 2003.
Colbert, M.D., Don. Deadly Emotions: Understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection. Harper Collins. 2003.