I recently received a series of non-invasive facelift treatments (called the Chromalift) performed by PHYTO5’s Director of Education. I’m at the point in my life where I’m actively working to counteract or reverse fine lines and some loss of elasticity in the skin. As Gina and I chatted while I was on the table, she said something that really struck me: people with red, ruddy, rather flushed looking skin—a sign of a little too much red blood circulation—don’t usually get lines and sagging later in life. This is because all that red blood marked by skin redness has been abundantly delivering nutrition to the skin cells all along. I learned in that moment how critical blood circulation is to beauty.
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I’m sure people with red and hot skin don’t enjoy that skin condition either. Each of us has unique challenges. But since Gina told me that, I’ve been on the lookout for women whose skin tends to redness so maybe I can observe the effects in action. And I have to say I do admire the firmness and ‘lift’ they seem to more naturally enjoy.
Beautiful skin really does start with healthy clean blood and proper circulation. Improved blood circulation can prevent the formation of fine lines. It opens the capillaries in the body and improves oxygen uptake of the skin cells.
Still, lines and wrinkles are the result of a number of conditions and not always poor blood circulation. They can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun, weak connective tissue, acidification of the body, metabolic disease, hormonal disorders, declining oil production of the sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, heredity, environmental insults, stress, an inactive lifestyle, alcohol and tobacco.
But the five fluids of the body system (vital energy, red blood, lymph, blue blood, water) are our deepest source of nourishment and detoxification and, ultimately, defense against aging. These fluids actually bathe our cells. If we don’t pay attention to the fluid environment of the body and work to support it naturally, the quality of not only our skin, but our organs and glands will suffer.
Beautiful skin and hair require that we support our internal organs. After all, they produce and constantly circulate blood. This is how we prevent inflammation and acidity.
Wrinkles, that rather awful sign of aging, are not only lessened or maybe even prevented by improved fluid circulation, but our flow of vital energy is tantamount to it.
Says Letha Hadady, D. Ac., renowned herbalist and acupuncturist:
“Wrinkles begin from inside due to weak chi originating from poor digestion and circulation. The Chinese medical texts explain this energetically.”
Hadady goes on to explain in her book, Asian Health Secrets: The Complete Guide to Asian Herbal Medicine, that chi becomes weak in certain acupuncture meridians located on the dorsal sides of both arms and hands. These meridians naturally flow upward to lift the face. When these meridians become weak, when what is called the ‘upper Yang’ deteriorates, wrinkles develop.
While you could visit an acupuncture physician to help remedy this, Hadady says you can prevent wrinkles and stay young and beautiful with blood and chi building herbs such as these:
chicory root
burdock root
red clover flowers
rose hips
dandelion greens
watercress with a pinch of paprika
Refer to page 297 in Hadady’s book for the exact recipe to achieve beautiful skin with perhaps little incidence of lines according to the author.
“Chi is the invisible envelope that lifts your energy. You can lift your face by lifting chi. This is done with good nutrition and herbs.” —Letha Hadady
Finally, the issue of collagen depletion causing skin to get saggy and lethargic also contributes to lines and wrinkles. Collagen loss happens incrementally year by year until one day the percent of collagen loss is significant.
Hadady tells us an excellent approach to amplify collagen is by increasing our intake of herbal vitamin C.
Herbal vitamin C means you are ingesting herbs that are rich in naturally occurring vitamin C and these actually increase your chi. See the list above.
Herbal vitamin C cleanses the liver ensuring healthy calcium absorption and better blood circulation. Vitamin C rich herbs combine the vitamin with important minerals that work together to maintain healthy collagen and blood circulation. Moreover, the body is always going to accept nutrition from a whole food better than it will from an isolated nutrient.
The PHYTO5 Metal element skincare line is formulated with specific essential oils like rosemary, eucalyptus and niaouli that support better blue and red blood circulation. These cause the superficial capillaries to dilate and regulate temperature while an interchange of tissue fluids takes place increasing nutrition to the skin’s surface layers.
When you apply a skincare product you should always do it mindfully and in a way to increase the blood circulation of the face and neck. (I noticed when Gina gave me my facial treatments she used light circular motions with her fingertips to bring red blood into my face.)
Both PHYTO5 skincare plus your mindful application of the products can work synergistically to increase the local skin temperature and bring color to your skin.
Maybe do what I do. Approach your skincare from all directions:
the skincare products you put on your face and body
your vital energy flow
your nutrition
your lifestyle
When you understand what the skin and body need, you can get to work to give both the raw materials, love and kindness they deserve. And you can be a natural beauty no matter your age.
Isla, Dr Jeremiah. Gua Sha: The Healing Guide On Using Gua Sha To Improve Your Skin Beauty. N.p., Independently Published, 2021.
Howard, Jackie, et al. Principles and Techniques for the Beauty Specialist. United Kingdom, Nelson Thornes Limited, 1993.
Kopf, Robert. Wrinkles - Prevention and Treatment with Homeopathy and Schuessler Salts (homeopathic Cell Salts): A Homeopathic and Naturopathic Guide. Germany, BookRix, 2018.
Hadady, Letha. Asian Health Secrets: The Complete Guide to Asian Herbal Medicine. United States, Three Rivers Press, 1998.