Skin conditions, especially recurring or chronic ones, can be helpful in understanding the state of wellness of an individual. This is particularly important for anyone with a growing interest toward non-invasive, results-oriented modalities.
When you understand the underlying energetic cause of your skin and body conditions it makes it possible to harmonize the flow of vital energy, a precondition to wellness. Who doesn’t want to have glowing skin and to feel great at the same time?
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), when we’re out of balance, some undesirable conditions for our skin and body shape manifest.
The cycles of nature and the cycles of human life seem to be interrelated. Whatever affects the whole, affects the parts, and these parts affect other parts. This view of humans, subjected to their cosmic and earthly environment is common, in various degrees, to all energy medicines and it is central to TCM.
Traditional Chinese thinkers were fond of pondering the cyclical aspects of nature with the repetition of days, moons, seasons, and years as they observed the effects of those cycles on all living organisms. Humans, like animals and plants, are affected by nature’s cycles so it is not surprising that the study of nature was the first basis in their understanding of vital energy.
Knowing that there can be no effect without a cause, the predictable seasonal patterns pointed to the existence of a cause. Unlike ancient Greeks and Egyptians who attributed cause to the whims of various gods, the Chinese simply saw chi (energy) as the mover of matter, but not as a deity. They saw this energy being responsible for cyclical and predictable stages and changes.
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First, they broke down energy in its basic yin and yang components. Then they evolved the more complex and subtle Law of the Five Elements which includes the energies symbolically named Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water and the multiple aspects of their interrelationship.
TCM, like other energy medicines, attributes an energetic cause to any body malfunction. It is either an issue of energy quality or of flow (quantity). Consequently, energy balancing and removal of blockages are fundamental to all energy medicines, and, by extension, to beauty and wellness treatments.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), like other energy medicines, attributes an energetic cause to any body malfunction. It's either an issue of energy quality or the degree or quantity of flow. For this reason, energy balancing and removing densities that create blockages are fundamental to not just energy medicine but also to beauty and wellness treatments.
PHYTO5 and TCM identify 5 primary skin conditions. Which one or combination of conditions are you?
A Wood imbalance associated with Spring usually manifests as:
Issues of vital energy circulation
Oily scalp and hair
Oily skin, blackheads, hyperpigmentation
A Fire imbalance associated with Summer usually manifests as:
Redness, irritated, sensitive, blotchy or allergic skin, excessive heat and perspiration, couperose
Irritated, red, sensitive scalp
Issues of red blood (arterial) circulation
An Earth imbalance (associated with each of the five transition periods between the four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) usually manifests as:
Blemishes, toxicity, acne, psoriasis, enlarged pores
Heavy looking hair, pimples on scalp
Lymph circulation problems
A Metal imbalance associated with Fall usually manifests as:
Dry skin, surface flakiness, dull and lifeless skin
Dry scalp, dry and brittle hair
Issues of blue blood or venous circulation (problems such as varicose veins and spider viens)
A Water imbalance associated with Winter usually manifests as:
Dehydration, lack of tone, wrinkles
Excess kidney energy causing puffiness under the eyes; or kidney energy depletion causing dark circles
Scalp lacking tone. Limp hair with no volume
Issues of water circulation (water retention)
The five groups of skin conditions led PHYTO5 to create five elemental skincare lines, each to address the problems specific to one of the five elements. The products are formulated to provide the energetic potency to balance the aspect of vital energy which is out of balance, as demonstrated by the condition.
PHYTO5 professionals are trained to evaluate your skin condition and body shape according to TCM criteria. When the natural flow of energy in the body is out of balance, we look older, feel dragged out and then skin problems result.
PHYTO5 professionals can identify the likely energetic cause of the esthetic problem and address it with energy-balancing topical products and treatment modalities for better and longer lasting results. The treatment approach is always natural and holistic.
Information assembled from observing your skin condition, body shape, and biorhythm helps the practitioner to discover your particular energetic characteristics. From this, the likely direction of your personal aging process can also be surmised.
With this knowledge, you and your PHYTO5 specialist can mitigate the negative influences that might limit your ability to express the full measure of your genetic potential. This will also help you to make better and more appropriate decisions regarding your lifestyle in order to achieve and maintain a higher state of wellness, a pre-condition to beauty.