With essential oils of atlas cedar, helichrysum, clary sage, frankincense, white thyme; in a carrier oil base of fractionated coconut oil
Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the third eye chakra one inch above and between the brows.
0.5 oz.
Because of the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."
Third Eye Chakra Oil: Enjoy understanding and wisdom from knowledge attained. Exercise your powers of intuition.
You need robust functioning of your third eye chakra to be able receive knowledge and wisdom through intuitive channels. Balance the energy of the third eye chakra and elevate your third eye chakra frequency.
Chakras are also called seals. Your sixth seal or chakra locates itself one finger higher than the bridge of your nose. It opens front and back. Commonly called the third eye chakra, Hinduism names this seal the Ajna. The third eye seal opens front and back.
Image before the addition of chakras, courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency; “Overview of the Endocrine System,” EPA, www.epa.gov/endocrine-disruption/overview-endocrine-system.
The sixth throat chakra relates to the endocrine pineal gland. The pineal is a pine-cone shaped gland the size of a pea located in the epithalamus(1) in the center of the brain but slightly towards the rear.
The color we associate with the third eye chakra frequency is indigo blue. Hinduism ascribes the 96-petaled lotus its symbol.
The core principle of the third eye chakra encompasses intuition and hyper-consciousness. Third eye frequency unimpeded helps you understand knowledge and wisdom no matter how you come to it.
Physical Aspects Relating to the Solar Plexus Chakra
Particular parts of the body influence your third eye chakra frequency and vice versa:
central nervous system.
The Gland and Area of the Brain Associated with the Third Eye Chakra
Robust balanced third eye chakra frequency powers your mental and intuitive faculties and spiritual awareness.
Many commonly call the sixth seal the third eye but there really is no such thing. The sixth Ajna or third eye seal circularly vibrates electrical energy to the limbic area of the brain.(3)
The limbic system supports your third eye chakra frequency as it serves your entire nervous system and also pituitary gland associated with the seventh crown chakra seal. The pituitary gland associated with the seventh crown seal very much supports the pineal and third eye chakra. It too is pea-sized and located in the midbrain.
When third eye chakra frequency and the corresponding pineal gland match in frequency you know comfort, vibrate beautifully and align with the frequency of the Earth Mother.
High Third Eye Chakra Frequency–Open to Spirit and Telepathy
The sixth seal and pineal gland help us open to spirit and communicate telepathically in both directions—sending and receiving.
The third eye is completely open in few people. A completely open third eye seal requires you develop a high level of consciousness. It can, however, work without being fully open even more so than the five chakras below it.
You see this ability in the keen mind that can compute complex abstract thoughts and having no interest in the spiritual. A partially open sixth third eye chakra can successfully engage in scientific theories and deeply philosophical concepts.
Unimpeded third eye chakra frequency enables you to:
visualize and intuit
trust inner knowledge
be open to mysticism
A third eye chakra frequency encouraged to expand and flow can help you clearly and truly see. You’ll see how the spiritual principle appears at the level of matter and as images and symbols.
Adverse Effects of Out-of-Balance Third Eye Chakra Frequency
When your sixth third eye chakra is out of harmony with its true essence and with all the other chakras, you get stuck in thinking. You live exclusively by the power of your intellect trying to manage everything with your mental faculty alone. Everything intertwines holistically and cosmically. But it takes a mind blended with open balanced heart chakra and crown chakra to know and experience this.
Mind alone is intellectual arrogance. When we need to scientifically verify in order for something to real and true we limit the ability of the third eye chakra frequency to blend and work with the crown chakra frequency. This is where we discern for truth through feeling. And it’s true spirituality.
In extreme cases, if you repress your emotional side, the mental takes over and may itself eventually collapse. This imbalance will cause you to feel unhappy, incomplete and isolated.
Balancing Third Eye Chakra Frequency
Often, just being aware that one of your chakras is out-of-balance helps you begin changing attitudes, thoughts and emotions that haven’t served you. This action alone—when coming from authentic desire—can get you on the road to elevated, balanced third eye chakra frequency and energy flow.
You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. These practitioners will use color, gemstones, sound and/or light to support your energy centers. You can also do the same for yourself at home.
Third Eye Chakra Oil (this page) is a simple, excellent and effective way to bring your heart chakra frequency to balance.
The epithalamus is a part of the dorsal forebrain including the pineal gland.
The cerebellum is part of the lower brain and sits on your spinal column. As kundalini energy(4) rises from the root chakra at the base of the spine and travels upward it first passes through the cerebellum on entering the brain.
The limbic part of the brain directs all the senses to work in harmony with each other.
Ayurveda and Hinduism teach that latent female energy called kundalini lies coiled in the root chakra. The Sanskrit kundala means coiled and ini means power. Like a snake it lies coiled in the root awaiting awakening so it may bring you to your highest spiritual potential– When kundalini energy issues from the root chakra and travels all the way up the spine to the seventh crown seal you are fully enlightened.