Crème Cérésal Feu [Fire Day Cream • quantum energetic]


Crème Cérésal Feu [Fire Day Cream • quantum energetic]

  • Soothe irritated sensitive skin.

  • Reduce excess redness.

  • Cool and calm skin.

  • Balance circulation for a more even skin tone.

Use during energetic Summer if skin is already relatively well in balance. Because the five-element lines are quantum energetic, the products in these lines also help balance emotion. The Fire line balances emotions of joylessness or over-the-top expressions of joy. Achieve a sense of joy-in-balance. 1.75 oz

If your skin is already relatively well balanced considering what’s normal for your age, then now is the time to use products from the Fire line.

Due to the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."

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Unique ingredients:

Corn seed oil: rich in vitamins A, D, E and K; nourishing, protecting, mineralizing; rich in essential unsaturated fatty acids, containing about 60% omega 6; energizing and a potent antioxidant
Corn extract: soothes inflammation, itching; nourishes, softens and revitalizes; excellent emollient and skin tonic
Lavender essential oil: quickens healin
g; soothing; creates sensation of well-being and relaxation
Sweet marjoram essential oil: antiseptic, anti-irritant and relaxant
Rosemary extract: a preservative and anti-age antioxidant (free radical scavenger)
Vitamin E: the main antioxidant of the organism; protects cells against free radicals; prevents oils from going rancid
Cobalt gluconate: trace mineral and antioxidant found in vitamin B12 and necessary for hemoglobin